Water Pipes
Sewage Pipe
Oil Pipes
Today we use a modern form of piping which we call cabling which is used to transfer information. The big secret with nanotechnology has to be that you have to treat the information which goes down the cable as a physical object.
Electric Cable is used to power appliances, which has electric traveling through it.
Telegraph cable which was powered by electric and could produce analogue sounds. Was used this technology to send messages by using Morse code. Morse code was made up of dots and dashes. From a nanotechnology point of view, it requires physical objects to create these dots and dashes which people could use to produce a message.
Digital Cable for Software
As the cable become far more advance The speed of the dots and dash was too fast for humans to use to work out the message being sent using sound. So a machine was used to decipher the message. Instead of calling this Morse code which used dots and dashes, we call it software which uses 0 and 1's. What is a very important to make is that software is stored on a micro chip, which is a physical object and that does means the 0 and 1's which travel through a PC and the cable has to be treated as a physical object.
Fiber Optic Cable is a new super fast way of sending information. The internal cable it self is made of glass. It transport the information using light, and yes light has physical properties.
So what is the future of cabling, the answer is nano-tubes, and what travels through it is bucky balls. What is so controversial has be firstly you will not be able see this cable under the naked eye, secondly the focus is not to send 0, 1's, quicker than light.
Thirdly the bucky ball is considered to be an upgrade and the replacer of the attended use of 0, 1's, which software uses.
Plus this does mean software has out lived it's meaningful purpose and replaced with the nanotechnology. This is due to the fact that software can't use bucky balls.
What the bucky ball is sending in a nano-tube is a physical material which can then be reproduce at the other end into a physical object. The machine which will be used to produces the physical object based on user preference is called a 3D Printer. The bucky ball material particles, which could be made of water, metal and gas. The bucky ball is just a means to packaged the particles and uses the nano-tubes for transportation, as before I said a cable which can't be seen from the naked eye.
The bucky ball is considered to be the perfectly engineered shape to use, to move tiny physical objects which humans can't see or touch but can be reshaped together again.
The tool which is used to reshape the objects is known as a 3D printer. It's worth mention that they are being used to print plastic models, print jewelry made out of metal, food products like cakes, and are now constructing enormous ones for house buildings.
So the next time you see a 3D printer, remember the tiny object which is coming out of the nozzles could be called bucky balls which is still at it's early stages, and the tiny objects which could be produced is known as nanotechnology.
House built using a large 3D printer