As people know the crash of the stock market caused the Great Depression, and we know people were borrowing money just to gamble it on the stock market.
But the Buckminster fuller talks about the transatlantic telegraph cable a technology break through at the time which started the process of the great depression. The secret Buckminster Fuller exposes is that it was the Pirates who were the true rulers which had the ultimate control on the world. While kings of their countries were at the mercy of the Pirates and had no choice but to give in to there demands.
What it came down to was that resources around the world are spread unevenly and had to be transported by sea from one country to another, that's where the Pirates come in. Secondly the success and failure of a country was based on what resources they could get hold of e.g. various metals, to make weapons out of. The third problem was that Kings where unable to communicate with each other, it could take a month just to send a reply to a message. The forth problem was that Kings may rule there own country but it was the Pirates which ruled the sea.
Like I was saying the Pirates were more powerful than the Kings at the time. What the transatlantic telegraph cable did was allow kings between countries to communicate directly with each other very quickly and do business away from the Pirates.
The Stock Market at the time was built simple on the idea of Pirates buying and selling stock on the local market in each country they went to port in.
What happened in World War I, many of the pirates ships got destroyed as it was distributing it's cargo around the world. This caused major disruption on a steady flow of stock entering into the stock market.
When problems arise it was the politicians, that would find out what the problems were, the people they use to take advise from were the pirates themselves, but after world war I they near enough became extinct. This is what triggered the roaring 20's where all the commodities in the stock market shot up in value, due simple because the pirates were not around to supply the goods. The Politicians at the time found themselves in a situation, where they had no one to turn to, and it was then they were face with the challenge of trying to run the country themselves. In the past politicians where not powerful people like they are today.
Great Depression 1930's
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