An average cloud contains 5 grams of water vapor per cubic meter. If we were to measure the weight of the water vapor of a full size cloud which has a base length of 10 km and a diameter of 10 km. The volume of the cloud would be 785 billion sq meters and the weight of the clouds water vapors would be 4 billion kilograms per cloud.
So if this cloud decided to rain, then the total weight which would be dropped over the space of 10 km would be 4 billion kilograms.
So what is the weight of 4 billion kilograms, compared with human beings. I decided to work on an average person weighing 75 kg. The number reveals a cloud of this size has a weight of 53 million people. So if a good size cloud hanging over New York City and was 10 kilometers in size going across. You could say the weight of the cloud would weigh a lot more than all the people which currently live in New York, which is 8 million.

Buckminster Fuller was interested in building a dome which covered over a city. The weight of the dome being nearly as light as a floating cloud. If one was to artificially created a cloud which was 10 kilometer in size you could say it could transport 53 million people just like a zeppelin airship.
where it gets more controversial has to be the fact that you would hardly use any resources to build the structure, far less compared with what was needed to build new york city, by at least 99%. The time to be build can be super quick, if built in a similar way a circus tent is built. Which only takes a matter of hours to erect.
The world drawn to scale
Needed 1 billion people for full work to meet future demands!
How much does a rain cloud weigh?
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