Sunday, 26 August 2012

Why don't our homes come from Factories

Picture above is Buckminster Fuller factory in 1945

We pretty much manufacture everything, airplane, ships except the family home, Henry Ford has been considered one of the most interesting people with the motor car. I did some rather interesting research on this matter, and it turns out there was a person who was trying to manufacture the house called Buckminster Fuller, who was close friends with Henry Ford at the time. At the time Henry Ford spent considerable amounts of money investing in Buckminster Fuller. The reason why he was not successful was due to the fact the banks refused to invest in his business.


 Above is a picture of a factory produced homes put on a plot of land.

At the time it was considered very controversial and is today, when a home is produced in a factory. This is due to the cost to build and time is greatly reduced and banks at the time where not keen at the time that people could buy there homes out right.


 Above is a picture of a home being built in a factory

I would be interested on peoples feed back on if you feel that homes we live in today are really designed for today's living and may be technology have moved on from what we live in.

Below is a link of another Buckminster fuller discovery

Great Depression 1930's
The world drawn to scale

How much does a rain cloud weigh?
What happens when you build big domes
How much should a home weigh?
Should homes use so much resources?
How long should it take to build a home?
Why don't our homes come from factories?

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